Tuesday 29 January 2013

Progress Log, Week 4. Mixed results...

Here are the stats for week 4:

7hr 35min cycling
96.4  miles
My weight: 186.7lb
Weekly weight loss/gain: +0.9lb
25.8 lb to go. My weight goal is 160.9lb

Better get the bad news out of the way: a weight gain of nearly a pound is a concern, especially when I've cycled lots. I've found that this can happen shortly into a fitness drive and I think it's related to building muscle mass, which is heavier than fat. Well, that's the best spin I can put on it! I'm sticking to the plan, so I expect my weight to recommence the downward trend very soon.

The cycling continues apace, despite the pretty awful weather, which has only just risen above freezing in the past couple of days. I'm continuing with the Strava Cycling Base Mile Challenge and hope to exceed six hundred miles before the end of the month, which will be good going for me, especially for January. I've sixty miles to go, with three days left, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Equipment-wise, a deteriorating rear gear change quality on the Roberts proved to be due to the gear cable fraying at the bottom bracket cable guide. Luckily it seized just as I got home and didn't leave me stuck in top gear. At the same time, my chain wear gauge showed more than .75mm stretch, so the chain was changed for another KMC X10L, a great value chain, with an excellent split link fixing system. A quick spin round the block shows that the change is superb once more, so I'll keep a closer eye on wear on these mundane but important components in future.
Park Tool CC 3.2

The wear indicator, the Park Tool CC 3.2 is a 'must have': the hooked end rests against a link roller and if either the 0.5mm or 0.75mm end can fit between the rollers at the other end, then that's how much wear you've got. I've ignored chain stretch in the past and had to change gear cassette and chainrings along with the chain, at great expense, so the £10 or so for this tool represents a sound investment.

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