Tuesday 22 January 2013

Progress Log, Week 3. Stop yer wining.

Here are the stats for week 3:

12hr 30min cycling
149.5 miles
My weight: 185.8lb
Weekly weight loss/gain: +0.2lb
24.9 lb to go. My weight goal is 160.9lb

Specialized Epic: Wivenhoe trail

Well, the cycling is going well, despite a week of nothing but snow and ice. I've used the mountain bikes both on and off-road as it's too slippery to use a road bike. On yesterday's spin around the Wivenhoe trail, I averaged 7.7 mph, but went pretty much flat out for over two hours through the soft snow. Never have I expended so much effort for so little speed!

While the time spent cycling is above target, the weight loss stalled this week, disappointingly and I have to confess that my fondness for food and wine is the reason. Next week there will be no deviations from the programme and I'm expecting the weight loss to get back on track. We'll see...

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